2017年10月10,11日に,ドイツで26th Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance (WSSP26)が開催されました.本会議において,本研究室の小林教授が招待講演を,小松准教授が成果発表を行いました.また,佐藤助教と研究生斎藤龍馬くんが関わった研究の成果発表も行われまし
- Hiroaki Kobayashi, Two-Year Experiences with Vector Supercomputer SX-ACE and Design Space Exploration of the Next Generation Vector System, Invited Talk in 26th Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance, Oct. 2017.
- Kazuhiko Komatsu, Performance tuning of Ateles using Xevolver, In 26th Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance, Oct. 2017.
- Ryusuke Egawa, Masayuki Sato, Ryoma Saito, Hiroaki Kobayashi, A Multiple-layer Bypass Mechanism for Energy Efficient Computing, In 26th Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance, Oct. 2017.
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