The Japan Mobility Show was held from October 27 to November 5, and Associate Professor Komatsu participated in one of the sessions, “Forbes JAPAN ACADEMIA ENTREPRENEUR SUMMIT 2023,” where he gave a presentation on “EVerify,” a start-up business that originated in Kobayashi laboratory.

In this presentation, he explained about his project and research field of Kobayashi laboratory, which enables the application of quantum computing to solve an important social issue: the problem of relocating shared mobility.

The Forbes JAPAN ACADEMIA ENTREPRENEUR SUMMIT 2023 featured a business contest for from-university-entrepreneurs involved in “mobility” and a talk session to discuss solutions to problems in creating startups from universities. The presentations attracted attention not only from the automotive industry but also from many other businesses.

You can find more information about Japan Mobility Show and Forbes JAPAN ACADEMIA ENTREPRENEUR SUMMIT 2023 from here or please visit this link.

Associate Prof. Komatsu having presentation
The expression ceremony(Associate Professor Komatsu is on the far left)